Monthly Archives: January 2018

Che’s blog

Yesterday we were going to friendship harbor while we were making our way to the harbor we saw at least four whales. Dad saw the first one tail went up and then go under the water. Dad yelled” whale!”. We all jumped out of what we were doing to see the whale but it turned […]

Gherty’s blog

Today we are in Bequia and we are having pancakes and bacon for breakfast. Before we got here to Bequia we saw WHALES!!!!!!! I didn’t think we would see them this far south. Also, when we were leaving Grenada we were sitting on the bow and there was a WHALE!!!! Unfortunately, no one else saw […]

Quinn’s blog

Quinn’s blog BY QUINN WALLING Date: 1/27/18 Yesterday we saw some what we think were Minke whales. Yesterday we went from Canuan to Bequia, Admirality bay. Today it’s time for breakfast which is bacon and pancakes. I don’t know what we are doing after that. I hope we are doing something fun. Yesterday I think […]

Make Good Choices

An evening at anchor in St. Georges had us up and ready for the sail to the Grenadines on Tuesday morning.  Sleep was at a minimum for both the captain and me.  The sea, a teasing, but not quite cruel, mistress, did not rock but simply rolled much of the night, and became even more […]

There’s nothing better…at least for me

We got back underway today. A trip that started in Annapolis, Maryland 3 years ago and has taken us from 45 degrees north latitude in Maine to 12 degrees north in Grenada continues. A short trip around the southern point of Grenada to St George’s anchorage in the capital just offshore. We shook Madame Geneva […]

Grenada Time

At last, Madame Geneva has found her way to the water and we have found ourselves on board. Now those of you who have never had a boat on the hard may not know that this is not a seamless transition.  The boat does not just roll its way to the water and splash, and […]

We’re not on Vacation

So far we have: Painted the bottom of the boat (3 coats), buffed the hull, reinstalled all canvas, hand stitched repair on the dodger, repaired the mainsail leach chord, repaired the Genoa leach chord, replaced the mainsail battens, galvanic bonded the entire hull (17 through hulls wired together and grounded to the keel bolts, expanded […]

The Beauty of Grenada

The gentle lull of the barely definable waves on the shoreline of BBC beach plays as a soft tempo to the completely chaotic first week in Grenada.  We arrived in storm, or rather in a storm, that persisted for several days.  Warm and wet, we moved in our loads of boxes, bags, lovies, snorkels, water […]