Monthly Archives: March 2017

We came marching in

Marie Galante is the French countryside replete with longhorn bulls tied to trees, goats, tidy farmhouses and rolling fields. ‘Cept the fields are sugar cane and coconut palms border them mingling with papaya and the occasional breadfruit tree. We saw men cutting cane with machetes and ox drawn carts to haul it as well as […]

Guadeloupe to Marie Galante

Guadeloupe to Marie Galante   We left the serenity of Isle Bay, Montserrat, at seven in the morning on Monday. One of the most amazing parts of sailing is the perspective. We had the great fortune of being able to sail along the coast of the buried Plymouth. When we last passed Montserrat from Nevis to […]


The pelicans are feeding off the coast of Isle Bay Beach in Montserrat. Justin tells me that they like to dive for large man-eating fish. He says this because he is dumping me, with a dry bag strapped onto my back, just outside the break where they are diving. Pelicans are familiar birds and yet […]

Gherty’s blog

3/16/2017Gherty We saw True’s beaked whales, a rare kind of whale. Only a handful of people in the world have seen them!! We have also seen frigate birds, sea turtles, monkeys, mongeese, pigs, and parrots and we got to feed the monkeys!! We also met friends and their names are Ian and Anna. We saw […]

Quinn’s blog

Blog 1. Date- 3/ 16/ 2017. Today we are in Antigua and are going to go to Montserrat to see the big volcano, and  for the big Saint. Patrick’s day party. it will take 2 hours and a half to get there. The Saint. Patrick’s day party starts at 5 o-clock a.m. When I got my […]

Che’s blog

On the way to Guadeloupe, we saw True’s beaked whales. The whales were so rare to see and if you do see them, only a handful of people ever saw them. When we did get to Guadeloupe, we hung out with Ted, Alex and Donna. They were very fun and we got to see their […]

Hooray SAILING!! Antigua 

Nonsuch Bay is flat. Kite surfers hit the water just after breakfast and slide back and forth through the anchorage inside the reef all day. We slept as if offshore yet on a pond. It’s a magical place with a full moon. Reefs breaking and roaring yet Madame still, rigging whistling, morning rainbows. Morning had […]

Guadeloupe to Antigua

Tethered to a mooring here in Falmouth Harbor, Antigua, with the wind howling and spinning Madame Geneva as on a pendulum, I realize that it has been many days since my last post. Time and white pages sometimes unnerve me, and this unfortunately is no other time. The longer I take to put my fingers […]